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NEW: One To One Physio / Rehab / Yoga Sessions
NEW: One To One Physio / Rehab / Yoga Sessions
Our specialist physiotherapist, Alex, is now offering one to one physio rehab sessions which include the use of yoga to help strengthen your body. Of these sessions Alex says:
“These sessions are perfect for anyone who is curious about introducing yoga to their exercise routine. I often meet a lot of resistance from people who have thought about starting yoga but are overwhelmed at the thought of a class filled with super bendy people standing on their heads!
This is not what yoga is about and I'm here to help you find your way into your yoga journey in a safe and personalised way. I’ve been a Physio for almost 20 years now and this gives me a deep understanding of the body, its movements and limitations, and also how to work with any injuries you may have.
Yoga for me is about being 'flexible' (not the bendy type!) in how you practice and what suits you ,and having one to one sessions really is the best way to achieve the best outcomes. These sessions are also great if you are looking to enhance your overall strength, flexibility and wellbeing by training your body and mind in a very different way to before.
I meet many clients who are regular yogis and then come in with an injury which may or may not be related to their yoga practice. When we have looked at some of the postures together we can identify small areas and modifications which can make a huge difference in two main ways: one is by not stressing certain areas in a unhealthy way and the other is to gain more connection and balance on the mat, deepening your awareness of the pose you are in. The adjustment might be very small, but unless it's pointed out you won't feel the benefit of it.”
So if you've been thinking about it and want to find out more then please contact us to book in a session with Alex.
Managing your physio rehab programme whilst on holiday
Managing your physio rehab programme whilst on holiday
Managing your physiotherapy rehab programme whilst on holiday can feel like a chore. Our physio Paul Martin has blogged about a few simple ideas to help get through your time away and stay in control of the reason you visited a physio before you left.
1) Travel can be hard work
One of the key elements in a successful rehab programme is managing the amount of load a sore area is subjected to. Too much will likely make things worse. Bear in mind that loading you body might well involve packing, lugging suitacases around and it is remarkable how much walking is involved in getting around an airport. Use whatever trolleys are available to you at the airport to make things easier. If you are on a flight, make sure you are getting up and moving around regularly in the cabin, if you are driving it is helpful to schedule in breaks to get out and move around (especially if staying still for prolonged periods makes things worse).
2) Get into a routine early
'It's easy! I'll be away for two weeks, very little to do, I can do all these exercises every day, no problem'. By day three you're wondering where all this time has gone. As with rehab programmes at home, getting into a routine early on will dedicate some time to moving things forward, plus there's the double whammy of not being at your desk for a large portion of the day. Find the gym or some space to get your exercises done when you've settled in and do a few to get going. It's easier to start these routines on day one so the sooner you start, the more likely you are to leave your holiday feeling better than when you arrived.
3) Manage your load
Most problems will tend to be made worse by doing more than you are able to do or something you've not done much of before. Whilst that canoe race might seem like a fun idea, if it's been 15 years since you last paddled and your neck and shoulder were sore before your holiday started, then you might expect some kick back after the event. Similarly whilst that 10k trail is begging you to run on it, if you've only just been managing 3k whilst getting over your sore ankle then it will likely be sore when you get to the end and that could knock the rest of your holiday back. By all means build it up sensibly whilst you are there and make sure you recover well but too much too soon will likely cause discomfort.
4) Have a good time!
It is a holiday after all! Don't deny yourself some fun but be sensible with what you are able to do. Saying no to something a little wild on day two can be the difference between three to four days of discomfort and feeling a fair bit better on day three.
If you do come back from your holiday injured or in pain, call us on 02030 12 12 22 to book at appointment.
Words by Paul Martin.
How to recover from a race
Compex Muscle Stimulation for Rehab and Training
Neuro muscular electric stimulation (NMES), also known as electric muscle stimulation (EMS), electrotherapy, muscle stim or e-stim, is delivered through a small device, the Compex, that sends electronic pulses to your nerve fibres in order to create involuntary muscle contractions. It can be used to aid rehabilitation following injury or surgery and to enhance training sessions and workouts.